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2013上海中考英语作文范文2:How to protect myself

2013-06-16 13:33:39


2013上海中考英语作文范文2:How to protect myself


Posted by:

Demon 老师
  • Everyone in my family was awaked by the unusual shaking. The first word that came to my mind was earthquake. When I looked outside of the window, I found everyone running here and there, and I could hear the shouting from the neighbors. Despite the fact that I was in danger, I told myself to calm down and think about the ways to protect myself in an earthquake. I should get outside instead of hiding inside the building. I couldn’t take the lift but walk downstairs. No sooner had I got outside than I asked the police for help. And I should always be aware of the unexpected drop overhead. Following these ways, I managed to prevent myself from being hurt, and survived the earthquake. I believe that these are useful ways to protect myself in an earthquake.


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