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[标签:2013年一模 一模英语 奉贤区一模 一模答案] 2013-01-23 19:18:46
  • 年份:2013.1 地区:奉贤区年级:初三
  • 类型:一模试题 科目:英语答案:word版
  • 答案:含答案




  Part 1  Listening

  I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

  A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):

  1.  Every morning Tom gets up early and goes to school by bicycle.  (B)

  2. Tom is asking the librarian for a book on science at the school library.  (E)

  3. We were lucky enough to have the chance to make a snowman last winter.  (C)

  4. Mary always helps Mum clean the kitchen after dinner in the evening.  (F)

  5. Don't watch TV, Tom. It's already eleven o'clock in the evening.  (A)

  6. Mr. Green's lesson is so interesting that the students are happy to attend his class.  (G)

  B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):

  7. M: The leaves of the trees begin to fall. It is getting cooler and cooler.

  W: Yes. And birds are flying to the south.

  Q: Which season is it now? (D)

  8. M: You swim really well, Helen!

  W: Thanks. I usually swim twice a week.

  Q: How often does Helen usually go swimming?  (C)

  9. M: Jane, hurry up! The football match will start soon.

  W: Oh, it will begin at half past seven, and there is still half an hour left.

  Q: What time is it now?  (B)

  10. M: What can I do for you?

  W: I'd like to buy some T-shirts for my brother and myself. My brother likes blue ones while I     like pink ones.

  M: I'm afraid the pink ones have been sold out. I think the orange ones are also popular among girls.

  Q: What colour will the girl probably buy for herself? (D)

  11. M: Have you got a pet?

  W: I like animals, but I haven't got a pet. What about you?

  M: I used to have a pet dog, but now I have a cat as a pet.

  Q: Who used to have a pet dog? (B)

  12. M: How shall I take this medicine?

  W: Three times a day. I'm sure you'll be all right soon.

  M: Thanks a lot.

  Q: Where does this dialogue probably take place?     (B)

  13. M: Is this your first time to visit Shanghai, Linda?

  W: No. I came here in 2008 and 2010.

  M: Did you come to Shanghai by ship or by train?

  W: Neither, I came here by plane.

  Q: How did Linda come to Shanghai?    (C)

  14. M: Watching too much TV is bad for your eyes.

  W: I see. But I enjoy watching TV when I am free.

  M: Why not play some ball games instead. Exercise is good for your health.

  W: Thanks a lot. I'll take your advice.

  Q: What's the boy's suggestion? (A)

  15. M: Have you decided where to go during the winter holidays?

  W: No, not yet. How about you?

  M: My parents are going to take a trip to Beijing. There are many places of interest to visit.

  W: I hope to go to Suzhou for my holiday. It's warm and nice there.

  Q: What are they talking about?  (C)

  16. M: It's very difficult to work out the physics problem, Nancy.

  W: Yes, it may be, Mike. Would you like me to help you?

  M: No, thanks. I'll try my best to do it.

  W: OK. I'm sure you can if you think it over.

  Q: Why doesn't Mike want Nancy to help him?  (D)

  C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用"T"表示,不符合的用"F"表示):


  Jimmy's grandmother loves him very much. She takes good care of him. She always helps him with his homework, too. Jimmy studies in a middle school. His homework is very difficult. When he can't solve problems, he asks his grandma for help. She often tells him he should try his best to solve the problems himself. But he thinks it is too hard.

  One day, when Jimmy came back from school, he couldn't find his grandma. Then his mother told him his grandma went to New York to visit an old friend. He was very surprised at that. He needed her because his homework that day was very difficult. Jimmy said to himself, "It's going to be a bad day." Then he took his homework out and began to do it. I t was hard to finish it without help. But he didn't give up. He thought and thought, and it took him two hours to finish it. He felt very happy that he could do it by himself.

  17. T  18. T  19. F  20. F  21. F  22. T  23. F

  D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词):(7分)

  W: What's the matter with you, Tommy? You look worried.

  M: I haven't got a good mark in the English test. And I'm poor at listening. I made a lot of mistakes.

  W: Don't worry. Do you mind if I give you some useful advice?

  M: Of course not.

  W: Well, you should practice listening to English about thirty minutes every day and never stop.

  M: But I can't follow it, so I'm not interested in it.

  W: At first you certainly can't follow it, but if you keep listening, little by little you can understand the meaning.

  M: But what should I listen to every day?

  W: You can listen to the tape of our lessons. You can listen to CCTV English news programmes or British, American news such as BBC or VOA.

  M: I like sports news very much. I'll take your advice, Jane.

  W: I hope you'll soon make greater progress in your listening.

  24. mistakes   25. useful    26. thirty  27. understand  28.lessons  29. news   30. soon.

  Part 2  Vocabulary and Grammar

  II. 31.C  32. B  33.C  34.C  35.D  36.D  37.B  38. C  39.D  40.D  41.B  42.A  43.B 44.A  45.D  46.D  47.D  48.C  49.B  50.C

  III. 51.F  52. C  53.D 54. I   55.H  56.G  57.A  58. E

  IV. 59. heroes   60. his  61. eighth   62. speaker   63. England   64. busily

  65. invented  66. seriously

  V. 67. Does…know      68. Why did       69. Both...have     70. were hidden

  71. light enough     72. unless…rains     73. if/whether…could

  Part 3  Reading and writing


  A: 74. B  75.D  76. A  77. C   78.A   79.  B

  B:  80.D  81A   82.B   83.C   84.D   85.C

  C:  86. easier 87.hand 88.public 89. Although 90.all 91. worry 92. properly

  D:  93: (British writer) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

  94: is to control the world with black "magic".

  95: No, it isn't.

  96. (simply) looking at his footprints/(sharp eyes)

  97. Both

  98. (possible answer: eg. sharp eyes, he must discover clues hidden at crime scenes with them(可以用文章中的内容,也可以是自己的想法,只要言之有理,语法正确都可以视为正确答案。)

  VII. 作文略
