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  • 年份:2013.1 地区:浦东新区年级:初三
  • 类型:一模试题 科目:英语答案:word版
  • 答案:含答案




  Part 1  Listening (第一部分 听力)

  I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

  A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6分)

  1. It's dangerous to make a phone call while driving.                                   C

  2. Chinese sportsmen succeeded in the 2012 London Olympic Games.                     A

  3. There happened a big robbery at the bank nearby.                                    G

  4. Many parents take their children to see the cartoon Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.        F

  5. Recently some cities in North China received the heaviest rain.                         B

  6. Some people think taking some kinds of pills can improve their children's memory.         E

  B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (10分)

  7. W: John, can I borrow your bike?

  M:  I'm afraid you can't, Jane. My sister is going to visit her friends this afternoon by bike.

  Q: Who is going to visit friends this afternoon?                                   B

  8. W: Good morning, sir! Welcome to Germany. May I check your passport, please?

  M: OK. Here you are.

  Q: Where does the dialogue probably happen?                                   C

  9. W: Hi, Dick. When are you leaving for France?

  M: My flight is BA 26. It leaves on Friday the 28th of May and arrives in Paris the next day.

  Q: When will Dick arrive in Paris?                                             D

  10. W: Uncle Tom told me many detective stories.

  M: Is he a detective?

  W: He used to be a policeman, but he's a writer now.

  Q: What's Uncle Tom's job now?                                             A

  11. W: The TV showed that a big earthquake destroyed Japan seriously.

  M: Yes, it was a terrible disaster. China has provided Japan with food and medicine.

  W: Besides, our country has sent medical teams to Japan.

  Q: What didn't China offer Japan?                                            C

  12. W: What's your favorite subject, Jack?

  M: It's hard to say. I like all the subjects we are learning now. What about you, Mary?

  W: I think Maths is my favourite subject though English is so interesting.

  Q: What's Mary's favourite subject?                                          B

  13. W: Which bus can take us to the Bund?

  M: The bus stop isn't nearby. Let's go there by underground, shall we?

  W: I'm afraid it's too crowded. Look! A taxi is coming.

  M: All right. Let's go.

  Q: How will they probably go to the Bund?                                     C

  14. M: Can I help you, madam?

  W: Yes, I want to buy three tickets for the latest cartoon film Kongfu Panda.

  M: 120 yuan for an adult and half price for children.

  W: Then two for children and one for adult, please.

  Q: How much should the woman pay?                                        C

  15. W: Your English is perfect. Are you from America?

  M: No, I come from India, but I studied in London for 6 years.

  W: Where do you work now?

  M: I work in China.

  Q: Where is the boy from?                                                  D

  16. W: What's wrong, Terry? You look so worried.

  M: I didn't pass the Physics exam though I studied very hard.

  W: How did it happen?

  M: I made a lot of calculation mistakes.

  Q: Why didn't Terry pass the Physics exam?                                   D

  C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用"T"表示,不符合的用"F"表示): (7分)

  The greatest saleswoman in the world doesn't mind if you call her a girl. That's because Andrew made more than 80,000 pounds by selling cookies when she was 13 years old. Andrew and her mother shared a dream of travelling around the world. Once, while reading a magazine, Andrew found that the person who sold the most cookies would win a free trip for two people around the world. She decided to give it a try. To make her dream come true, Andrew went from door to door every day after school and repeated, "Hi, I have a dream. I want a trip around the world for my mum and me by selling cookies." Then she asked, "Would you like to buy one or two boxes of cookies?" Andrew kept asking for a whole year, whether it was raining or snowing heavily. Her hard work brought good results. She sold 42,000 boxes of cookies that year and she won the trip. Andrew is as ordinary as other people. The success is that she has found the secret of selling: Ask, ask, ask! Many people fail before they even begin because they fail to ask for what they want.

  17. T   18. T    19.F    20. F     21. T    22.F    23. T

  D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词):(7分)

  Most kids love sweets. Candies, cookies, ice cream and sweet drinks are their favorite. Now scientists may be able to explain why children love sweets so much.

  Professor Susan Smith from the University of Washington and her team carried out a study. They found that the children in the study who loved the sweetest drinks were the ones who were growing the fastest.

  In the test, the researchers gave more than 140 teenagers six drinks to taste. Each of the drinks had a different amount of sugar in it. The researchers asked the teenagers to say how much they liked the taste of the drink. Then the researchers looked at them. They found the teenagers who liked the sweeter drinks had higher levels of a certain chemical. The chemical helps them grow. Sugar may help you grow better. However, it may also cause toothache and weight problems. So don't eat too much!

  24. favourite   25. fastest    26. 140    27. each   28. taste  29. chemical   30. weight

  Part 1  Listening (每小题1分,共30分)

  I.  A.  1. C    2. A   3. G   4. F    5. B    6. E

  B.  7. B    8. C   9. D   10. A   11. C   12. B   13. C   14. C   15.D   16.D

  C.  17. T  18. T   19. F   20. F   21. T   22. F    23. T

  D.  24. favourite   25. fastest    26. 140   27. each   28. taste  29. chemical   30. weight

  Part 2 vocabulary and grammar  (共50分,31-66每小题1分。 67-73每小题2分)

  II.  31-35. B D B D D   36-40 B B C B D   41-45 D C D C C   46-50 D B D C C

  III. 51-58  H D B C I G E F

  IV. 59. ourselves   60. fourth    61.protect   62.swimming   63.excited   64.thought

  65. useless     66. length

  V. (每小题2分,每空格1分)

  67. Did,put     68.to, create  69.How many  70. how , could   71. wasn't, he

  72. was,invented  73. so that

  Part 3  Reading and Writing (共70分)

  VI. Reading (共50分,每小题2分)

  A)74-79: D C C A C B

  B)80-85: D D B D A B

  C)86-92: who ,sex   between,person's /personal   However, idea   harmful

  D)93. The Twenty-Twelve Nobel Prize for Literature.

  94. Both./ He was surprised and frightened.

  95.( Because he wanted )To remember to stop his tongue from getting himself in trouble.

  96. "Red Sorghum".

  97. Howard Goldblatt.

  98. Any reasonable answer is OK. (e.g.: I think he is hardworking./Full of wisdom./ He enjoys… )

  99. Writing (共20分)   作文评分参考标准



  1档 16-20分:内容很切题、充实,意思连贯、逻辑性强,表达准确、清楚、完整,


  2档 11-15分:内容切题、充实,意思比较连贯,逻辑性较强,表达比较准确、


  3档 6-10 分:内容基本切题,意思基本连贯,表达基本清楚完整,字数符合要求

  4档 0-5分: 文不对题,表达不清,但能写一些句子、词汇等
