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[标签:2013一模 徐汇一模 一模英语] 2013-01-24 19:46:00
  • 年份:2013.1 地区:徐汇区年级:初三
  • 类型:一模试题 科目:英语答案:word版
  • 答案:含答案




  Part I

  I.  1-6   AGF EDB

  II. 7-11  DDCCD   12-16 AABBD

  III. 17-23  BAAB  BAA

  IV. 24. history    25.international   26. happily    27.over

  28. longer  29. forever    30. end

  Part II

  V. 31-50


  VI.  51-58  IHDC  AFBG

  VII. 59. first 60. driver        61. usually    62. tomatoes

  63. operation   64. succeed       65. securely     66. shocked

  VIII.  67. if..isn't 68. be offered 69. so…that

  70.How long 71. is there 72. if/whether…would 73. apologize to

  Part III

  IX.  (A) 74-79  CBDDAD

  (B) 80-85  CBA  BCD

  (C) 86.teachers    87. better   88.linked  89. through

  90. dream/daydream  91. nearby  92. change


  93. It made a beautiful forest become a wasteland.

  94. No, it didn't.

  95. Because there weren't any birds or squirrel to spread seeds. / Seeds can not grow in the wasteland.

  96. He decided to go into the wasteland secretly and started planting. / He decided to start planting secretly in the wasteland. / He decided to grow trees secretly by himself.

  97. Until his hair turned grey. / Until he became old. / Almost all his life.

  98. You will succeed if you stick to your dream. / Any other possible answers.

  X. 99. 略
