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[标签:崇明县一模 一模英语 英语试题] 2013-01-24 20:04:35
  • 年份:2012.12 地区:崇明县年级:初三
  • 类型:一模试题 科目:英语答案:word版
  • 答案:含答案



  Part I.   Listening Comprehension

  A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)

  1. It snowed heavily last night. Look, everything is white outside.

  2. The food safety is really a big problem nowadays.

  3. The new school bus is big and safe for the students.

  4. Houses in big cities are too expensive for most people to buy.

  5. Look at the sign, please. You are not allowed to park your car here.

  6. The students are having a debate in the classroom.

  B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)

  7、 W: Your red and green shirt looks nice, Bill

  M: Thanks, but I like blue best.

  Q: What color does the man like best?             (请再听一遍)

  8、 M:  Linda, did you give your CD player to Mary?

  W:  Yes. And she has given it to Alice.

  Q:  Who has the CD player now?               (请再听一遍)

  9、 M: We're going to have a football match this weekend. I wonder if we'll have fine weather

  on Saturday.

  W: The weatherman says we have rain today, cloudy on Friday, and sunny on Saturday.

  Q: What's the weather like on Friday?               (请再听一遍)

  10、M: When are we supposed to have the final exam, on Tuesday or Wednesday?

  W: Neither. The headmaster says we'll have the exam on Friday.

  M: That's good news. I'll have enough time to prepare for it.

  Q: When will they have the exam?                  (请再听一遍)

  11、W:  I have an interview with the men from the publishing company at 8:30. I have to leave


  M:  Don't hurry. There're still 30 minutes left.

  Q:  What time is it now?                          (请再听一遍)

  12、M:  My radio doesn't work. What do you think I should do?

  W: Why not call Mr. Jones?

  Q:  What does the woman mean?                    (请再听一遍)

  13、M:  I'm going to visit my brother in New York. I told him to meet me at the airport at five. I

  can almost see the city from here.

  W:  New York is a nice city. I think you'll enjoy your visit there.

  Q:  How are the people in the dialogue traveling?       (请再听一遍)

  14、M:  Miss Green, my daughter Cindy can't go to school today. She didn't feel well and was

  sent to hospital last night.

  W:  I am sorry to hear that. How's she today?

  M:  Much better. And she will be back to school tomorrow.

  Q:  Who might the two speakers be?                (请再听一遍)

  15、W:  Good evening, are you ready to order, sir?

  M:  Yes. I'd like a fish soup and a hamburger, please.

  W:  Fine. And would you like anything to drink?

  M:  Orange juice, please.

  Q:  Where does this dialogue probably take place?    (请再听一遍)

  16、W:  Do you play sports, Bob?

  M:  Yes. I play volleyball and basketball. And you?

  W:  Well, I sometimes go skating.

  M:  That sounds like fun. Why don't we try this weekend?

  W:  Good idea.

  Q:  What will they probably do this weekend?       (请再听一遍)

  C: Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用"T"表示,不符合的用"F"表示)

  J.K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. She loved reading, and wrote her first story, Rabbit, when she was only six years old. She studied French at university, then worked as a secretary in London. She had the idea for Harry Potter when she was on a train. She started writing the first Harry Potter book the next day.

  In 1992 she went to live in Portugal for three years. She wrote Harry Potter in the morning, and worked as an English teacher in the afternoon and evening. She got married to a Portuguese TV journalist and had a daughter called Jessica.

  Then in 1995 her family returned to Britain and lived in Edinburgh, in Scotland. She didn't have a job at that time, and wrote in cafes because they were warmer than her small flat. After five years she finished the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The book sold millions of copies all over the world, and J.K. Rowling became very famous. She is now very rich, but still she writes her books in cafes.

  D: Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)

  When I was young I lived in Scotland, in a village near the sea. It was the 1930s and life was very simple and different then. There wasn't any TV, but my family had a black and brown radio, and we listened to it every evening. My parents didn't have a car, so I went to school by bicycle every day. The school was six miles from my home. I didn't study very hard, and left school when I was fourteen years old. There weren't any cinemas near our village, so every Saturday I met my friends on the beach and we played football all day. When I was fifteen my parents sold our house and the family moved to England. I never went back to my village, but I can still hear the sea in my head.

  Part 1

  I.  1C  2B  3E  4F  5D  6A

  7C  8B  9B  10D  11B  12D  13C  14A  15C  16A

  17F  18F  19T  20T  21T  22F  23T

  24. sea   25. simple   26. black   27. bicycle   28. six/6   29. Saturday  30. moved

  Part 2


  31B  32D  33D  34A  35B  36C  37C  38A  39B  40A  41C  42C  43B  44D

  45C  46A  47C  48A  49A  50D

  III.  51C  52G  53D  54H  55A  56E  57B  58F

  IV.  59. boxes   60. hers  61. eighth   62. useless   63. seriously  64. happiness  65. solve

  66. impossible

  V. 67. didn't go  68. How did   69. has he  70. be built   71. if/whether, caught  72. so as / in order   73. either, or

  Part 3


  A:  74D  75B  76D  77A  78C  79A

  B: 80A  81B  82D  83C  84D  85B

  C: 86. biggest   87. hours   88. spoken   89. without   90. difficult   91. Though

  92. likely


  93. Only a few feet away.

  94. (She was) sewing or reading.

  95. Because everything seen through the dirty (the woman's )window was unclear./ Because the writer thought the woman's window was dirty.

  96. After he finished cleaning (his window) one afternoon.

  97. Yes, he did.

  98. Any reasonable answers will be accepted. ( We should clean the window of our own world so that we may see the world around us more clearly./ Don't look at anyone or anything through my own dirty window. …)

  VII. 作文(略)
