• 类型:二模 科目:英语试卷:word版
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    来源:http://sh.zhongkao.com/e/20130508/518a23b2d60fd.shtml    作者:http://files.eduuu.com/ohr/2013/05/08/180113_518a2269bedf4.rar    2013-05-08 18:04:57


  •   2011学年度第二学期普陀区初三质量调研英语试卷



      Part l  Listening(第一部分听力)

      I.Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)

      A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)

      B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选当的答案):(共 10分)

      7. A)Fine        B)Rainy         C)Snowy       D)Windy

      8. A) Nancy       B) The man.    C) Nancy's uncle.       D) The man's uncle

      9. A) On the first floor                 B) On the second floor

      C) On the third floor                 D) On the fourth floor

      10. A) The man doesn't like the actor.   B) The woman likes the story.

      C) The man doesn't like the story.   D) The woman likes the actor.

      11. A) A businesswoman.                  B) A doctor.

      C) A shop assistant.                 D) A teacher.

      12. A)Fish       B)Duck        C)Chick        D)Pork

      13.  A) 64738895       B) 64739985        C) 64735598         D) 64732295

      14.  A) Do shopping.    B) Watch a game.    C) Go to a party.    D) Go to the cinema.

      15.  A) At 9:50.    B)At 9:40.    C)At 9:20.    D) At 9:10.

      16.  A) Because she has fallen ill.         B)Because she has got hurt.

      C) Because she has had an accident.    D) Because her son has got hurt.

      C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用"T"表示,不符合的用"F"表示):


      17.  Mike and Dick went to a big city in Australia on business.

      18.  Their plane arrived in the city at 9 o'clock in the morning.

      19.  They bought a car there and drove around by themselves.

      20.  They stopped on the way because it was too hot to drive on.

      21.  They were happy to find a river and wanted to have a swim.

      22.  They were told that there were no crocodiles(鳄鱼)in the river.

      23.  They had a safe and pleasant swim in the river that day.

      D.Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词):(共7分)

      24.  Mike's flat was decorated ________years ago.

      25.  He decides to use different ________this time.

      26.  He would like to have _________walls.

      27.  He won't ________his furniture in the flat.

      28.  He will ________to do the painting himself.

      29.  He will start his work on ________morning.

      30.  Jane says she'll pay him a visit at the________.

      Part 2  Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)

      II.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

      31.  The young kid has learnt to make________bed by himself.

      A)a    B)an    C) the    D)/

      32.  The 2012 London Summer Olympic Games will open________July 27.

      A) on    B)in    C) at    D) of

      33.  Amy's electronic dictionary is more expensive than________.

      A)l    B)me    C) my    D) mine

      34.  There has been ________news about the Nuclear Security Summit(核安全峰会)recently.

      A)a few    B)many    C) much    D) several

      35.  My neighbour is fond ________collecting different kinds of teapots.

      A) in    B)with    C) to    D) of

      36.  Why not try some________ activities if you are tired of running?

      A) other    B)the other    C) others    D) the others

      37.  Steven Jobs' death marked the end of an era(时代),________?

      A) did he        B) didn't he      C) did it         D) didn't it

      38.  This computer doesn't work as ________as the one in the library.

      A)fast     B)faster    C)fastest    D)the fastest

      39.  My parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday, a bike ________a camera.

      A)and      B)so      C)or      D)but

      40.  We will have less and less space for parking ________we think of better ways.

      A)since     B)if       C)because     D)unless

      41. Many young people think it's more________to do shopping online.

      A)easily     B)convenient    C)quickly     D)happily

      42. The news says a father makes his son ________without clothes on in the snow.

      A) runs        B) ran          C) run          D) running

      43. ---Must we finish the poster in class?

      ---No, you________. You can finish it after class.

      A) mustn't          B) needn't          C) shouldn't       D) can't

      44. Jenny asked her best friend ________think of a good name for her new pet.

      A) to help        B) help         C) helping         D) helped

      45. As a member of the school team, Peter practises ________basketball every day.

      A) play           B) to play       C) plays        D) playing

      46. The brave girl caught a woman thief while she ________at the underground station.

      A) stole          B) steals         C) was stealing     D) has stolen

      47. When they got to the airport, their flight ________ off.

      A) took           B) had taken       C) takes          D) has taken

      48. Justin ________for Britain for a two-week holiday in a few days.

      A)leave     B)will leave    C)has left    D)left

      49. ----I'm sorry that I forgot all about the meeting.   ---- ________

      A) That's all right.              B) The same to you.

      C) You're welcome.                D) Of course not.

      50. ----Shall l shut the door for you?     ---- ________

      A) You are right.                 B) Not at all.

      C) No, you mustn't.               D) Yes, please.

      III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)

      A. outside         B. as well     C. improved      D. put on

      E. scores       F. interview    G. a number of     H. delicious   I. active

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      I have seen your advertisement for a teacher in the magazine Guangzhou Education. I think I'm fit for the job.

      I am 28 years old. I finished my high school education in Xiamen, and then went to university in Fuzhou. I studied languages, with English as my major. I always got good (51) ________for all my subjects. At university, I was a very (52) ________      student. I was chairman of the English Film Club and a member of the university chess team.

      I have traveled to(53)________ English-speaking countries. I think my English language skills have (54)________as a result and I can teach senior classes without any problems.

      I have worked as a teacher for four years. I have taught at a well-known language school in Hangzhou. This has been a good experience. I have taught special courses in Writing for Business, showing people how to write good business letters and email messages. I have started a new course(55)________   : Spoken English for Tour Guides. All these experiences have helped me become a good teacher.

      I am a warm and friendly person, and my students enjoy their lessons. I would like my students to work hard, but I think language learning can be fun. I encourage students to use English(56)________the classroom, do projects and take part in English language activities. I have helped students(57)________plays and give concerts of English songs.

      I hope for an(58)________so I can tell you more. I want to live in Guangzhou and teach in your school.

      Yours faithfully,

      William Fang

      IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共8分)

      59.   Jenney's father has a collection of beautiful________.(butterfly)

      60.   The clever dog can open the gate of the garden by________.(it)

      61.   The accident took place on the ________day of their journey. (five)

      62.  The students played a game at the ________ofthe lesson. (begin)

      63.   We all think James will ________be an artist when he grows up. (possible)

      64.  Nobody at the lunch table believed the ________of his story. (true)

      65.  As soon as the boss appeared, the ________office became quiet. (noise)

      66.  Danny has worked as a newspaper ________for a couple of years. (report)

      V.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共14分)

      67.   There is some fruit in the refrigerator.(改为否定句)

      There________ ________fruit in the refrigerator.

      68.   It takes about two hours to fly from Shanghai to Beijing.(对划线部分提问)

      ________ ________does it take to fly from Shanghai to Beijing?

      69.   I had an unforgettable experience at the Shanghai World Expo.(改为感叹句)

      ________ ________unforgettable experience I had at the Shanghai World Expo!

      70.   Sophie is not good at maths. Mark is not good at maths, either.(保持句意基本不变)

      ________Sophie________Mark is good at maths.

      71.  The robbers tried to escape when they heard someone calling the police.(保持句意基本不变)

      The robbers tried to________ ________when they heard someone calling the police.

      72.   The government has made laws to stop people from drink-driving.(改为被动语态)

      Laws________ ________made to stop people from drink-driving by the government.

      73.   When will Jack set off? I'm not quite sure.    (合并为一句)

      I'm not quite sure when ________ ________set off.

      Part3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读写)

      VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解): (共 50分)

      A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)

      J. K. Rowling is probably the most famous author alive today. Her books about the adventures of a young wizard(魔法师) named Harry Potter have sold more than 325 million copies. They have also been translated int0 64 different languages.

      Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in 1965 in England. She always dreamt of becoming a writer, and began writing stories when she was six years old. After she studied French at university, in 1990 she decided to move to Manchester, and went there to look for a flat. Her journey back to London was long and boring. But on that journey the idea for the Harry Potter stories first entered her mind.

      Over the next year, she worked hard on her novel Then, her mother died from a long and difficult illness. She was only 45. To forget her grief, Rowling moved to Portugal (葡萄牙) to work as an English teacher. There. she had a lot of free time to work on her book, and rewrote many parts of the story.

      When she arrived back in Britain in 1994, she had a baby daughter and very little money.

      She moved to Edinburgh to live near her sister, and worked on her novel. Whenever her daughter fell asleep, Rowling would write as quickly as she could. After several months, she finished the book.

      It may be surprising, but no publishers wanted to buy her book at first. They thought that people today would not like a story about magic In 1996, after a year of searching, she found a company that would publish the novel. It soon became a bestseller, and was later turned into a successful film. People around the world have gone crazy for Harry Potter ever since.

      74.  The numbers in the first paragraph shows the book Harry Potter is ________。

      A) expensive     B) difficult      C) popular      D) harmless

      75.  J. K. Rowling began writing at the age of________.

      A)6     B)16    C)25    D)45

      76. She first had the idea for the Harry Potter stories in________.

      A)1965    B)1990    C)1994    D)1996

      77.   J. K. Rowling finished writing her novel when she was in________.

      A)Portugal  B)France   C)America   D)Britain

      78.  J. K. Rowling was able to make her dream come true because________.

      A) she traveled to many places        B) she kept working hard

      C) her sister helped her a lot        D) she was very young

      79.   According to the passage, which of the following is Not True?

      A) J. K. Rowling studied French at university.

      B) J. K Rowling was very sad about her mother's death.

      C) J. K. Rowling went to Portugal to teach French.

      D) It was not easy for her to find a publisher for the book

      B.  Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当单词或词语完成): (共12分)

      Have you ever heard about Polar Bear(北极熊) Club in New York? These "Polar Bears" are people who meet (80)________in the winter to swim in freezing cold water. The members of the Polar Bear Club are above the age of 60. Members must satisfy two requirements. First, they must get along well with everyone else in the group; this is very(81)________ because there are so many different kinds of people in the club. Polar Bears must also agree to swim outdoors at least twice a month from November through February.

      Doctors don't (82)________the medical effects of cold-water swimming. Some think that the body's temperature drops so low in cold-water swimming that finally the heart stops. But other doctors think differently. They point out that there is more danger of a heart attack during (83)________swimming because the difference between the air temperature and the water temperature is much greater in summer than in winter.

      The Polar Bears themselves are satisfied with the advantages of cold-water swimming. They say that their favourite form of exercise is very good for the circulatory system(循环系统) because it makes the blood move fast to keep the body warm. Cold-water swimmers usually turn bright red after a few minutes in the water. A person who turns blue probably has a very (84)________circulatory system and could not try cold-water swimming.

      The Polar Bears love to swim all the year round. They find it fun and relaxing. As one 7O-year-old woman says, "When l go into the water, l throw my (85) ________ into the ocean and let the water carry them away. When I get out of the water, I feel happy again."

      80.  A) safely       B) regularly       C) carefully      D) quietly

      81.  A) important    B) interesting     C) special        D) exciting

      82.  A) talk about   B) care for        C) agree about    D) rely on

      83.  A)spring        B)summer           C)autumn          D)winter

      84.  A)strange       B)old              C)able            D)poor

      85.  A) rubbish      B) troubles        C) clothes        D) hopes

      C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词):(14分)

      Wendy Martin is an ordinary university student)who used love surfing the Internet and Wendy Martin is an ordinary university student who used to love surfing the Internet and  chatting(聊天)with friends online. She often spent much of her free time talking with her family and making new friends online. Then something a    a________(86)  happened. It completely changed Wendy's feelings about the Internet.

      One of Wendy's favourite things to do online was to visit the chat rooms on music website. Everyone there loved chatting about recent concerts and what the famous  s________(87) were going to do next. It was here that Wendy first met Anne. The two women liked each other immediately. Soon they exchanged e-mail addresses and were communicating online every day.

      Wendy  e________(88)talking to her new friend. They both liked the same music, the same clothes and the same films, but they also had the same worries about studying and the future Anne had e-mailed her a picture of herself-she even looked s________(89) to Wendy. So, when Anne asked Wendy for her address and phone number, Wendy thought her new friend was a person she could trust.

      It was only when Wendy got a letter from the bank that she realized something was wrong. Anne was not who she said she was. She was not a university student, she was not young and she was not even a woman. 6Anne' was really a 45-year-old man called Tim Histanon. He p________(90) to like the same things as Wendy. He had used Wendy's personal information to spend all the money in her bank account.

      This situation is actually quite common, and affects(影响)thousands of people every year. Fortunately for Wendy, Tim Histanon was finally caught by the police, so Wendy got most of her money back. Many people, h________(91), have not been so lucky.

      Everyone can learn from the mistakes that Wendy made. N________(92) give out personal information while chatting online, and always make sure your user name is different from your real name. Nobody wants to make the same mistake as Wendy.

      D.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分)

      1 woke up as the plane started to land at Auckland airport.1 had not slept for much of the flight from Singapore because l was so excited. This was my first trip abroad without my parents. It was a school trip for Grade 6 students, all aged 11 years old.

      After the arrival, we got on a bus which took us to a place called Miranda, where we stayed the night.

      The next day we got up early, had breakfast, and took the bus to Thames. On the way we stopped at a gold mine(矿). I searched for pieces of gold but didn't find any. At Thames we visited a cave where we saw a huge spider eating a fly. That was interesting!

      The third day was very unforgettable. We went to a Maori village. Maoris are the original people who have lived in New Zealand for thousands of years. I made friends with a Maori boy of my own age called Aaron. Aaron took me to his large house. He had many pets including a dog, a cat, a chicken and ... an ostrich  (鸵鸟)  ! The ostrich was much taller than me with a funny head and long legs. It was a little bit frightening!

      That night for dinner we had a barbecue and finally before going to bed we played a game of football. My team won 3 t0 1.

      The next morning was our last day in New Zealand. We went back to Aaron's village where the Maori men lined up and performed a haka--this is a war dance. We then sang a song for them and then everyone became friends. It was a wonderful experience.

      After that we went to a place called Rotorua where we saw boiling mud pools and geysers (间歇喷泉). The geyser shot water into the air 10 metres high! It was so amazing!

      That night we took the bus back to the airport and said our goodbyes to the beautiful country of New Zealand. I would love to come back to visit again some day.

      93.    The writer comes from Singapore, doesn't he?

      94.    Did the writer go to New Zealand with his parents?

      95.    What interesting thing did they see at Thames?

      96.    How old was the Maori boy Aaron?

      97.    Where did the writer see an ostrich?

      98.    What did the writer think of his trip to New Zealand?

      VII. Writing(作文):(共20分)

      99.Write at least 60 words about the topic''I gain____ from my hobby".(以"我从我的爱好中获得了_________"为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


      Use the following points as a reference.  (以下问题仅供参考)

    语文 数学 英语 物理 化学
    语文 数学 英语 物理 化学


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