• 类型:二模 科目:英语试卷:word版
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    中考上海站 > 中考备考 > 中考二模 > 2012年英语二模


    来源:http://sh.zhongkao.com/e/20130508/518a2349bb72f.shtml    作者:http://files.eduuu.com/ohr/2013/05/08/180621_518a239d87bbf.rar    2013-05-08 18:06:42


  •   2011学年度第二学期普陀区初三质量调研英语试卷答案:

      I. Listening comprehension

      A. Listen and choose the right picture

      1. Many old people have the habit of exercising regularly.

      2. Tom got an iPad as Christmas present last year.

      3. Water-melon and grape are my favourite summer fruits.

      4. Julia and her classmates had a good time in Hollywood.

      5. A new underground station has been built near my home.

      6. Mr. Thompson has worked as an engineer for 30 years.

      B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear

      7. M: Did you hear the heavy rain during the night?

      W: Yes, but it has turned fine now.

      Q: How is the weather now?

      8. M: Hi, Nancy. I saw you on Nu Jiang Road yesterday. Do you live there?

      W: No. I went to see my uncle yesterday. He lives there.

      Q: Who lives on Nu Jiang Road?

      9. W: Excuse me, is your headmaster's office on the second floor?

      M: No, it's on the third floor, beside the meeting room.

      Q: Where is the headmaster's office?

      10. M: It's a good film, isn't it?

      W: Well, the story is good, but I don't like the actor.

      Q: What can we learn from the dialogue?

      11. W: John, you've made great progress in spelling this term.

      M: Thank you, Mrs. Hawkins. I'll keep working hard.

      Q: What is the woman?

      12. W: What about fish for dinner today?

      M: Fish again? Why don't we have duck for a change?

      Q: What does the man like to have for dinner?

      13. M: Paula, is Jasper White's telephone number 64739985?

      W: Let me have a look. Here it is. It's 64738895.

      Q: What is Jasper White's telephone number?

      14. M: What's your plan for the weekend, Jane?

      W: A new shopping mall has just been opened near my home. I'd like to go and have a look.

      M: The shopping malls look almost the same these days. Why not join us at the party in Mike's house?

      Q: What is the man going to do this weekend?

      15. W: I'm going to call a taxi. When do you want it to arrive?

      M: The train leaves at 9:50. I think if we leave home at 9:10, we'll have enough time.

      W: Yes, I think so.

      Q: When will they leave home for the station?

      16. M: Where is Linda?

      W: She doesn't come today.

      M: Don't tell me she's ill again.

      W: No. She said on the phone that her son got hurt and she had to take him to the hospital.

      Q: Why doesn't Linda come today?

      C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false

      Mike and Dick work in the same office in London and they' re very good friends. They don't like cold weather, so one day they decided to take a holiday in Australia. Their plane arrived in a big city at nine in the morning. They had a good rest in a hotel. The next morning they borrowed a car in the city and began their travel.

      A few hours later the sun was shining in the sky and there were not many trees beside the road. It was so hot that they could hardly go on driving. They had to stop to look for a cool place to take a break. Mike was told that there was a river about half a kilometer away from them. They were both very happy and drove the car quickly. Soon they got to the river. Before they jumped into the water, Dick saw a boy playing under a big tree.

      He asked, "Are there any sharks in the river, boy?"

      "No, there aren't." answered the boy.

      So they began to swim in the river. After a while, Dick felt something hit against his leg. He told Mike about it. They were afraid and stopped swimming. Dick asked loudly, "Is it true that there aren't any sharks in the river?"

      "Yes, sir," said the boy, "There~ re a lot of crocodiles in the water. All the sharks have swum away!"

      D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences

      W: Hi, Mike! I hear that you plan to decorate your flat again.

      M: That's right, Jane. You know, it was decorated seven years ago when I moved in. I decide to use different colours this time-yellow walls, and green doors and windows.

      W. Why not red walls?

      M: I just want to have yellow ones. They're more cheerful.

      W: What about your furniture? Do you mean to change it?

      M: No, I can't afford to buy new furniture.

      W: Will you do all the painting yourself?

      M: Why do you ask? Are you offering to help me?

      W: No, I don't know anything about painting.

      M: Neither do I, but I will manage to do it myself with the help of this book.

      W: When do you plan to start painting your room?

      M: Saturday morning. And I expect to finish by Sunday evening.

      W: Well, I promise to pay you a visit at the weekend and give you some encouragement.

      M: Thanks, but I would prefer to get some help.

      Part 1

      I. A. 1. C  2. E  3. A  4. G  5. D  6. B

      B. 7. A  8. C  9. C  10. B  11. D  12. B  13. A  14. C  15. D  16. D

      C. 17. F  18. T  19. F  20. T  21. T  22. F  23. F

      D. 24. seven/7  25. colo(u)rs  26. yellow  27. change  28. manage  29. Saturday  30. weekend

      Part 2

      II. 31. C  32. A 33. D  34. C  35. D  36. A  37. D  38. A  39. C  40. D  41. B  42. C

      43. B  44. A  45. D  46. C  47. B  48. B  49. A  50. D

      III. 51. E  52. I  53. G  54. C  55. B  56. A  57. D  58. F

      IV. 59. butterflies  60. itself  61. fifth  62. beginning

      63. possibly  64. truth  65. noisy  66. reporter

      V. 67. isn't, any/is, no  68. How long  69. What an  70. Neither, nor  71. run away

      72. have been  73. Jack will

      Part 3

      VI. (A)74. C  75. A  76. B  77. D  78. B  79. C

      (B) 80. B  81. A  82. C  83. B  84. D  85. B

      (C) 86. awful  87. singers  88. enjoyed 89. similar  90. pretended  91. however  92. Never

      (D) 93. Yes, he does.

      94. No. /No, he didn't.

      95. (They saw) a huge spider eating a fly.

      96. Il/Eleven (years old).

      97. In Aaron's house.

      98. Any possible answer is acceptable.

      What is your hobby?

      What do you gain from your hobby?

      How do you gain…from your hobby?


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    语文 数学 英语 物理 化学


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